What To Do When Your Bread Dough Doesn’t Turn Out Right? 

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I’ve been baking sourdough since 2019. Yes, I am a COVID sourdough baker. But guess what? WE’RE STILL HERE BAKING THAT DOUGH! Maybe just not posting as much since now our lives are back to normal. 

All of that to say, my dough has flopped many a times. It happens to the best of us. You wake up in the morning ready to get your bread into its loaf pans or boules, just to realize that there is no wayyyyy on Gods green earth that this sloppy mess will turn into a loaf of bread. 

So, what to do? 

You have a few options.

  1. add more flour and ferment some more to see if that helps! 
  2. Turn it into something else. Options are (almost) endless. 

I usually turn it into something else just because to me, that’s easier. To deal with it now rather than getting my hopes up again, and waiting more time for it to possibly flop, again. 

So here’s what I usually do: 

make pizza, or mini pizzas and freeze extras we won’t eat today. Get the best sauce for pizzas here.

make focaccia (literally possibilities are endless here!) we love the cinnamon sugar one for an effortless cinnamon roll type recipe! 

fry it on the skillet for something resembling naan- you can use this fried bread for making a wrap, or flatbread! 

bake it still like you’d bake bread, but maybe in a more shallow & bigger dish, and then turn the bread into bread pudding or bread crumbs (don’t forget to add that Parmesan rind!)

These are probably my favorite ways to use it. But if you have other ways you use it, please feel free to comment below! I’m always learning and love sharing the knowledge!

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