Homemade Natural Hair Detangler – Two Ways!

I’ve really been trying to focus more on making a lot of the products that we use every day. Keep your eyes peeled for future blog posts where I will share how to make toothpaste, soap, bug spray, and maybe I’ll even figure out shampoo and conditioner. 

There are a few reasons why I like to make our own products:

  1. It’s cheaper
  2. It’s another step towards self-sufficiency
  3. I can control the quality of the ingredients

Today I’m going to focus on hair detangler, two different ways.  Eventually I’d like to try and combine the two methods somehow and have this mega awesome homemade detangler. 

The first method is an herbal infusion.

Hair detangler on the left, bug spray on the right.

You’ll need:


  1. Add dried marshmallow root to a quart sized wide mouth mason jar
  2. Pour the witch hazel on top, to completely submerge the herbs
  3. Leave your infusion sit in a cool, dark place, from anywhere between 2 weeks to 1 month (I prefer to wait a month)
  4. After the herbs have been extracted, strain the herbs from the liquid.
  5. Pour the liquid into the spray bottle.
  6. Optional – Add 1-2 tbsp of oil to the spray bottle. 
  7. Shake before each use if you add the oil.

The second method is the quickest – great for when you need hair detangler ASAP.

You’ll need:


  1. Add all ingredients to the spray bottle.
  2. Shake to combine. 

Homemade doesn’t have to be hard, or expensive, or time consuming! I made the quick version today while my daughter got PJ’s on so we could brush her hair. Combine either of these with a wet brush, and you’ve got yourself a tear-free hair brushing experience!

Let me know if you end up making either of these either by leaving a comment below, or tagging me in your stories on instagram!