How to Study Herbs with Your Children

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AKA Herbschooling.

Herbschooling is just a fancy way of saying, “we’re studying herbs and their medicinal properties”.  I’ve always dreamed of being an herbalist, like how cool is it to find something growing outside and make it into a balm, soap or tea?! Except, I didn’t know where to start.  I was completely clueless.  Randomly one day this past year, my dad called me and said he had bought me a book! I was so excited to see what he had bought me, not just because who doesn’t love surprises, but also because him and I share a lot of common interests, so I knew it had to be good.  The next time I saw him, he handed me a copy of The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

Foraged a basket of plantain from the front yard

I wish I could say when my dad gifted me the book, I not only read it, but studied it in great depth.  However, as many of you know, I homeschool, homestead, and also have friends and family.  

So, it sat there.  For months.  Until one day I saw a fellow homeschooling mom creating and selling kits to other homeschooling moms.  My interest piqued, sure I would love to just buy a kit from her, but we’re on a tight budget and our $30/month homeschooling budget couldn’t afford a $30/month herb study kit.  So I decided I’d make my own.  And so it began, herbschool!  

The beginning of Herbschool

Each month I would prepare a new herb to study.  I would buy the herbs I needed for that month’s study, and I would fill a spice container with some of the dried herbs to gift to my daughter.  I would figure out a recipe, or some sort of related activity to do with the rest of the bag of the herbs. When everything was finally all together, I would put it in a gift bag that I wrote “herbschool surprise” on and I would gift it to my daughter the first day of each month.  I tried to make it seasonally appropriate, too.  It was so much fun!

My daughters collection of herbs!

I’ve decided to make them a little more professional and sell them in my etsy shop to help fellow mamas out who would love to do this with their kids and who do not have the time to create the journals from scratch. It is a digital download, and you would have to buy or forage the herbs yourself! But doing it this way makes it very affordable compared to me selling an entire kit.  In my shop you will find just a few different herb studies, but I’m adding more each week! And if you do not want to wait for me, there is a template available for you to pick and choose which herbs to study.  

A sample of the herb journal on etsy.

If you decide to #herbschool please tag me in the pictures on instagram, @slowlivingrealist.  I would love to see your little ones learning about the healing powers of God’s earthly gifts.  I hope this post inspires you to learn something new along with your children!